The Orano Melox recycling plant, located in Marcoule, Gard, produces Mox fuel assemblies made from a blend of uranium oxide and plutonium developed from spent fuel. They are intended to supply light water reactors for electricity production.
A reference player in the production of Mox fuel, Orano Melox is recognised for its expertise in multiple countries in which Orano provides Mox fuels, as well as for the technological services it provides in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and China.
From mixing powders containing depleted uranium to assembly, i.e., bringing the finished product to the customer, some 130 quality parameters must be met for Orano to call the manufacturing process complete, similar to what applies to uranium oxide fuels.
The Orano Melox plant boasts first-rate response capabilities: assistance to victims, fire rescue, and response to malevolent acts. Monitoring and access control systems guarantee optimum security at the site where the nuclear safety and security authorities over 15 inspections each year.