Accelerating what drives progress forward

Innover @Orano is about developing and bringing together new skills, connecting with ultra-innovative and dynamic ecosystems, and multiplying cooperations with start-ups to deploy breakthrough solutions and take on the challenges of tomorrow.
  • Anticipating major societal trends
  • Strengthening cooperations with external innovation ecosystems
  • Enhancing internal innovation ecosystems

This innovation strategy, decidedly open and collaborative, enriches working methods, stimulates collective intelligence, fosters audacity, and gives a fresh outlook on the world.

Focusing on a prospective approach

The prospective @Orano laboratory, Lab'O , translates the group’s desire to anticipate, adapt to and seize new opportunities in a rapidly changing world. We are deploying a prospective approach in keeping with our profile, a customized concept that builds awareness and fully mobilizes all employees around these multiple and simultaneous transformations. 

Lab’O provides employees with a library of trends based on a dedicated watch. Orano also actively participates in the prospective ecosystem to enrich our capacity to identify new trends and weak signals.

Every year since 2020, a Lab’O expedition is organized around a high-stakes topic for the group, inspired by significant social trends. Lab’O is experimenting with new methods to explore the world by envisioning its position in future issues, at times extreme, to develop the group’s resilience and identify drivers toward a positive future.

3 topics already explored

Orano in the hydrogen economy
Orano’s anchors and roles in the new regional transition dynamics
Focus on resources and raw materials for energy between now and 2040
1 prospective Lab’O active since 2019

Through connection and effective collaboration with external ecosystems

Since its creation, Orano has integrated the power of collaborations with the companies in its ecosystem: start-ups and SMEs, to support the performance of its activities as well as explore new growth opportunities for a sustainable failure

Our innovation strategy is based on an open and international ecosystem

  • Collaboration with ~100 very small/small- and medium-sized companies
  • 65 open innovation challenges active to date
  • Discover Orano’s start-ups and SME partners

Highlighting initiatives on the ground

Orano makes innovation a human adventure to which Orano’s women and men commit and take action.

Implementing the innovation strategy starts with Orano’s employees, who are proud and committed and actively take part in making concrete contributions to the group’s transformation.

Orano Awards 

Every two years, this internal innovation competition mobilizes all the group’s employees who share the innovating projects they are the most proud of. The Orano Awards competition offers prizes to the 18 innovative projects with the greatest impact, 6 of which will be selected as winners, among the 130 innovative projects presented and showcased.
Every month, these thematic conferences lasting an hour serve the purpose of sharing the innovative projects implemented in Orano’s core activities, and of satisfying our customers, the goal of the group’s employees.
We have testimonials of Orano employees who present their innovative projects day after day, in the form of short videos. This is a time for sharing everyone’s inspiration and the illustration of the group’s innovative DNA!

Development of skills for today and tomorrow

Orano teams bring together profiles with varied technical know-how and specific and unique forms of  expertise. To face tomorrow’s challenges, the group is developing new complementary skills.

Business innovation
Our ambition: To explore and develop new growth opportunities that are profitable, sustainable, and durable in the nuclear and other sectors.

This goal requires developing skills making it possible to design, explore, reduce risk, and progressively put forward innovative value creation models, as part of a test & learn fast strategy, in relation to the targeted ecosystems and environments.

The group draws on innovative methods developed by universities specialized in this domain, with the integration of entrepreneurial management methods,  innovation through business models, innovation in services and design methods applied to innovation.

An approach carried out in partnership with the BMI Lab, l‘Université St Gallen, Strategyzer, AKTAN, Attoma.
Start-up culture and mindset 

Our ambition: Accelerate skills ramp-up among employees of the group to understand, collaborate, and innovate with start-ups.

Orano is organizing an immersion learning program where everyone finds inspiration, focused on start-ups the Orano group is interested in. This is a significant human adventure based on openness and sharing in an innovative environment.

  • Orano employees soak up the lean start-up culture and enhance their work methods.

  • The start-ups benefit from our discipline skills and our expertise along with networks which can help grow their businesses.

A program conducted in collaboration with Wilco.


Design Our ambition: Activate the power of collective intelligence and create a triptych of complementary business, technical, and design skills.

Orano is strengthening its collaborations with design actors to disseminate their specific practices, know-how, and interpersonal skills within the group:

  • capacity to observe and question in a systemic approach, to understand and take inspiration from trends, to listen to users and draw on fields of exploration, with a form of empathy still rare in the industrial environment;

  • skills for conceiving, designing, and modeling aimed at visualizing and embodying new ideas that help with understanding, implementing tests, validation in the field before production, and obtaining the best value.

Our objective: develop products, services, and value creating models that have even more impact. 

Initiatives launched in partnership with AKTAN, Attoma, and the Strate design schools, EDNA, and CY design.

L’objectif : développer des produits, services, modèles de création de valeur encore plus impactants. 

Des initiatives lancées en partenariat avec, entre autres, AKTAN, Attoma, et les écoles de design Strate, EDNA et CY design.
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