Nuclear packaging and transport services

For more than sixty years, throughout the fuel cycle and for its customers around the world, Orano NPS has been providing its unique and innovative expertise in the design, licensing and manufacturing of nuclear packaging, as well as offering transport solutions meeting the highest level of safety and security requirements.
Arrivée au terminal ferroviaire de Valognes de combustibles nucléaires usés Arrival at the Valognes railway terminal of used nuclear fuel Eric Larrayadieu / Orano
patents delivered internationally
packaging concepts
1 500
dry storage containers loaded worldwide
+6 000
transport missions carried out per year

International prominence

Unique know-how

Design of the most efficient nuclear packaging

Orano NPS nuclear packaging is designed by our Engineering - Research & Development teams to ensure the protection of people and the environment in all circumstances, throughout the fuel cycle, whatever the transport mode.

Orano NPS experts design packaging, tools and associated equipment based on optimization studies of materials, radiation protection, criticality, mechanical and thermal behavior.

Licensing : Orano NPS experts manage the licensing process with nuclear safety authorities around the world.

Testing : Orano NPS resources are dedicated to carrying out tests in accordance with IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) regulations.


«Packaging that meets the highest level of requirements in performance, safety and security »

  • 60 years of know-how and innovation
  • +400 international patents

Zoom on the DN30 for enriched uranium transport

DN 30 © Orano NCS

The 30B cylinders, used for transporting enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) throughout the world, are loaded into so-called "overpacks" for enhanced protection against mechanical and thermal impacts in the event of an accident during transport outside nuclear facilities.

Thanks to a particularly innovative design protected by numerous patents, the DN30 overpack offers easy handling and maximum safety.

This transport packaging has been approved since December 2018 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) and since 2019 by the American Safety Authority (NRC).

#ItsMonJob : Maik Hennebach

Video ItsMonJob : Maik Hennebach © Orano

Zoom on the TN Eagle

The TN Eagle is a new-generation “dual purpose” packaging for both transport and storage of used fuel anywhere in the world.

To meet customer needs, our engineers have conceived a packaging that is truly a technological breakthrough. The TN Eagle has 10 times fewer components compared to previous packaging, accelerating manufacturing times. Its containment shell is made of thick forged steel without any welding or machining for greater robustness. Designed without a trunnion, the TN Eagle benefits from a unique tilting/handling system. The modular design makes it possible to adapt the TN Eagle dimensions to the requirements and constraints of our customers.

The ASN (French Nuclear Safety Authority) and NRC (American safety authority) have both granted the TN Eagle a transport license.

DN 30 TN Eagle Packaging
Tn eagle TN Eagle Packaging

Packaging safety

Our packaging is adapted to the material being transported: the higher  the level of radioactivity contained, the more massive the packaging will be.

During the design phase, the packaging is subjected to a series of regulatory tests to demonstrate its robustness. These tests certify the package’s ability to withstand severe accident conditions, such as a derailment or a collision between a train and another vehicle, which might occur during transport.

TN Eagle drop test

360 Report: TN Eagle drop test © Pollen Media

« Zoom » on NUHOMS®

Proven for over 30 years in the USA, this dry storage system combines stainless steel canisters and horizontal concrete storage modules for shielding. The packaging is designed for on-site storage, but can be transported to a central location if required using transport packaging.

The NUHOMS MATRIX Storage Module is a horizontal two-tier overpack that meets all storage requirements for shutdown and operating U.S. nuclear reactors, including the storage 

of high-burnup short-cooled fuel, and is designed to accommodate used fuel storage canisters with different diameters and lengths.

For extended used fuel storage and aging management requirements, the MATRIX integrates new design features and devices which enable the complete inspection of the stored canister without removing it from the module.

Loading of Matrix systems at Wolf Creek, USA Loading of Matrix systems at Wolf Creek, USA

Manufacturingof packaging to meet the highest level of requirements and competitiveness

TN Eagle Factory in Cherbourg

TN Eagle Factory à Cherbourg , France - Treize Architecture

Located in Cherbourg, this new-generation fully automated 4.0 manufacturing plant is designed to assemble TN Eagle transport and storage packaging for used fuel.

Its innovative manufacturing process without welding optimizes production of the packaging in less than 18 months from the launch of the forged body to delivery of the final product.

Foundation stone laying ceremony in Cherbourg

360 Report: Foundation stone laying ceremony in Cherbourg

TNF plant in the USA

Located in North Carolina, the TNF plant includes 80 experts and two manufacturing workshops: an assembly and welding workshop for the manufacture of canisters for NUHOMS dry storage modules and a second workshop dedicated to manufacturing the UX30 and the DN30 for the transport of enriched uranium (UF6).

Fabrication d'un canister pour NUHOMS. Manufacture of NUHOMS packaging. United States © Orano

#ItsMyJob : Rémi Flageollet

ItsMyJob: Rémi Flageollet, supply chain manager in the US © Orano

Support for our suppliers in manufacturing of packaging

Orano supports some of its suppliers in the manufacturing of nuclear fuel transport packaging. Felix Tsoungui works at the ATB site in Brescia, Italy, monitoring the manufacturing of new packaging after the design phase carried out by Orano NPS.

ItsMyJob : Felix Tsoungui

ItsMyJob: Felix Tsoungui, engineering and manufacturing at Orano TN © So On Pictures

A benchmark player in global nuclear transport

Orano NPS is present worldwide in the market of nuclear material transport. Its complete range of packaging and its know-how in the organization of specialized transport constitute a decisive expertise in completely safe and secure transport.

Orano NPS also offers its customers high value-added expertise, technical assistance, training and regulatory monitoring services.

Sans titre-2 Departure of a transport of compacted metal waste to the Netherlands © Orano
Transport d'un Stator par voie ferroviaire Transport of stator by rail © Orano

Safe and secure transport of all types of nuclear materials

Orano NPS organizes and carries out 6,000 shipments each year for its customers: nuclear electricity utilities, fuel cycle manufacturers or research institutes.


With its exceptional equipment (150 trucks, including 70 dedicated to heavy packaging, 65 special wagons), Orano NPS has established long-term partnerships with approved shipping and airline companies.


Orano NPS expertise covers the entire nuclear cycle:

  • Transport of natural uranium concentrate from mines around the world
  • Transport of uranium in transformed form between chemical and enrichment facilities
  • Transport of enriched uranium to fuel manufacturing plants
  • Delivery of new fuel to nuclear operators
  • Used fuel
  • Mox fuels
  • Low, medium and high-level waste
Valognes railway terminal Valognes railway terminal - Copyright : Orano, BIPLAN

Back end shipments (spent fuel, plutonium oxide, Mox fuel, low and high level waste in particular) are highly specialized requiring sophisticated means mastered by Orano NPS for more than 60 years. We offer our customers safe and proven solutions with a fleet of specialized packaging, equipment and means for road, rail and maritime transport.

Orano NPS has expertise in transporting heavy components and indivisible masses, as well as in exceptional transport.

Unparalleled expertise in risk management

With more than 60 years of experience in the transport of nuclear materials, Orano NPS offers unparalleled expertise in the management of transport-related risks. This is particularly the case in the qualification of our suppliers for which we have established a rigorous selection process. This, combined with our crisis prevention and management know-how, means that we can guarantee our customers the highest standards of safety and security.


Solutions for the logistics of waste from operations and dismantling


In an effort to optimize waste management costs, Orano NPS offers nuclear operators safe and optimized solutions for packaging, transport and/or storage of all categories of waste from operations and dismantling:

  • Liquid or solid waste
  • Weak or strong radioactivity
  • Previously packaged or in bulk
  • To be transported on nuclear sites or on public roads

These solutions can include adaptations of pre-existing packaging or the development of new packaging with options adapted to customer needs.


Waste me up - Solutions déchets

TN® MW, "Triple purpose" packaging

By designing the TN® MW (Multi Waste), the latest of its products, Orano NPS is committing to a robust “Triple purpose” solution to transport and store waste (sludge, resins, metals, etc.) from nuclear sites, either in operation or being dismantled, to another site.

The TN® MW packaging also provides a safe and long-lasting solution for final storage sites.

This versatility makes it possible to avoid intermediate waste reconditioning operations, guaranteeing safety and optimizing costs.

  • TN® MW FAMILY: solution dedicated to waste, Orano NPS

To know more: 

  • • Press release - Orano acquires Daher's nuclear activities in Germany and the United States
  • Orano NCS Site
  • Orano TLI Site
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