Monitoring the impact of its activities on the environment is a priority for Orano Melox, which monitors the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems round the clock. This regular monitoring is carried out through measurements of radioactivity in the river and terrestrial environment. Atmospheric analysis is performed at regulatory stations. The Marcoule groundwater table is regularly tapped through specific boreholes.
Measurements of both radioactive and conventional effluents are doubled and carried out continuously by the general monitoring station in Melox and the Radiological and Environmental Protection Department in Marcoule.
Transparency is one of Orano Group's strong commitments. Beyond the legal information provisions, Orano Melox participates in a programme of multiple actions integrating meetings with elected representatives, the press, socio-economic actors, as well
as regular interaction with the the Local Information Commission (CLI). In addition to its presence on social media, the site also organises visits to its facilities, particularly for the media.
The Melox site's annual information report is
furthermore published each year, in compliance with the law on transparency and nuclear safety.