The Board Committees

In performing its duties, the Board of Directors is assisted by four specialised committees, which submit opinions and recommendations to it.

The Strategy, Investment and Sustainability Committee

The Strategy, Investment and Sustainability Committee is responsible for analyzing the major strategic directions for the Group's development and making the most important strategic decisions, upon proposal from the Chief Executive Officer. This Committee reviews the implementation of the Company's strategy at its own level and at the level of its subsidiaries.

It is chaired by Claude IMAUVEN.

Audit and Ethics Committee


The Audit and Ethics Committee oversees and monitors issues relating to the preparation and verification of accounting and financial information, in particular:

● the process for putting together financial information, where appropriate, making recommendations to ensure its integrity;
● the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems;
● the statutory audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements by the Statutory Auditors and the consistency of accounting methods;
● the acceptance of additional services provided by the Statutory Auditors;
● the independence of the Statutory Auditors;
● the proper assessment of mining resources and reserves;
● monitoring the implementation of major projects;
● risk-mapping.  

It is chaired by Marie-Hélène SARTORIUS.


The Appointments and Compensation Committee


The Appointments and Compensation Committee is responsible for:

● recommending to the Board of Directors the persons well-suited for appointment as corporate officers;
● making recommendations and proposals to the Board of Directors concerning the compensation of Executive Directors;
● reviewing the system and distribution of Directors' Fees among the Members of the Board of Directors;
● reviewing the compensation policy for the main executives who are not corporate officers;
● reviewing annually the Company's policy on professional equality and gender diversity;
● reviewing the objectives, terms and conditions as well as the results of the Board of Directors' policy on the representation of women and men, nationalities and diversity of skills on the Board;
● drawing up the corporate governance rules applicable to the Company and monitoring their implementation;
● proposing methods for evaluating the functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees and ensuring they are implemented.

It is chaired by Philippe BRAIDY.


End of Cycle Obligations Monitoring Committee

The End of Cycle Obligations Monitoring Committee is responsible for helping track the portfolio of dedicated assets set up by the Company's subsidiaries to cover their future restructuring and dismantling costs.

It is chaired by Cécile SELLIER.

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