That's true! Nuclear energy enables France to be independent for 56% of its energy needs.
The nuclear sector has been contributing to France’s energy independence for more than 40 years.
In the recent public health crisis, unprecedented in magnitude, the nuclear sector demonstrated its capacity to provide security of electricity supply.
Nuclear energy thus contributes to safeguarding the supply of electricity to hospitals, homes and businesses, as well as for mobility, the world over.
In the nuclear sector, France has developed a fully integrated domestic industry that enables it to master aspects ranging from the design and construction of its own facilities for electricity production, uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication, right through to recycling.
Nuclear energy provides electricity continuously and can adapt to variations in electricity demand.
Nuclear energy offers one of the least expensive sources of electricity generation, making French electricity prices among the lowest in Europe.
+60% : how much more a German household pays for its electricity bill compared to a French household.
€0.30 per kWh VAT incl. price of electricity in Germany
€0.17 per kWh VAT incl. price of electricity in France
The nuclear sector counts more than 2,500 companies in the regions, more than 220,000 non-offshorable jobs and a sector which contributes 6 billion euros a year to France's balance of trade.