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19% of the French public think that nuclear energy is a big contributor to greenhouse gas emissions

 That's false!  The nuclear sector is a source of low-carbon energy that contributes to producing electricity very low in CO2. That makes it invaluable as a response to the climate emergency.

#1 - A low-carbon form of energy 

Nuclear energy is one of the energies that emits the least greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the world. 

Nuclear energy emits 70 times less CO2 than coal, 40 times less than gas, 4 times less than solar energy, half that of hydro power, and the same as wind energy.


#2 - The large share of nuclear power makes France's electricity mix one of the  lowest carbon mixes in Europe


Thanks to nuclear energy primarily, but also renewables including hydro, France’s electricity is more than 90% low-carbon.

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#3 - To meet the challenge of achieving  carbon neutrality by 2050: we need nuclear energy



According to the IPCC* experts, in order to limit global warming to + 1.5°C, the use of nuclear energy is absolutely essential.

*IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    According to 53% of French people*, the fight against climate change is one of the main challenges that future generations will have to face.

    *2021 BVA survey "French people and nuclear energy: knowledge and perceptions"


    #4 - A  vital source of energy for tomorrow's world

      In 2050, the world will need twice as much electricity...
      ... yet today 59% of the world's electricity production comes from fossil fuels (mostly coal and gas).

      Climate specialists recommend increasing the share of low-carbon energy
      in electricity production from 30% today to over 80% by 2050.



      #5 -  An essential source of energy for the electricity mix

      In the IPCC1 and IEA2 scenarios for producing low-carbon electricity, a significant development of intermittent renewable energies can only be envisaged in conjunction with nuclear power if the use of fossil fuels is to be phased out.

      1 IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
      2 IEA: International Energy Agency

      For 64% of French people*, the electricity mix of tomorrow in France will consist of nuclear energy and renewables.

      *2021 BVA survey "French people and nuclear energy: knowledge and perceptions"


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      Nucléaire : agir pour le climat

      Le besoin en électricité n’a jamais été aussi important dans le monde et, dans le même temps, il est devenu crucial de limiter nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre L’énergie nucléaire est une partie importante de la réponse pour agir contre le réchauffement climatique !

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