In order to modernise its industrial facility, and more specifically to reduce the environmental impact of its conversion activities, Orano Malvesi built three new workshops to replace the historic Comurhex 1 factory. Comurhex II has been fully operational
since 2016.
Facilities offering greater safety
The new workshops benefit from greater automation facilitating operational management. They are also equipped with control sensors ensuring greater security of operations.
New technologies for the benefit of the environment
The technical developments at Comurhex II, in particular thanks to thermal and no longer chemical denitratation, make it possible to recycle 50% of the nitric acid
used and to reduce ammonia consumption by 75%. Another innovation lies in the cooling circuit for closed loop installations, which divides water sampling in the natural environment by 10.
The sustainable development and continuous progress policy at Orano Malvesi contributes to ensuring that the site’s activities are compliant with stringent environmental and social standards. It is validated by a triple certification.
• ISO 9001 version 2000 on quality
• ISO 14001 for the environment
• OHSAS 18001 for health and security
Download certifications Malvési ISO 9001 : 2015 - ISO 14001 : 2015 - OHSAS 18001 : 2007