● Before: right from the exploration stage, Orano Mining's teams draw up an initial inventory of the site's environmental components - physical, radiological, biological and socio-economic. They also carry out environmental impact studies of the
future mine (water, air, fauna and flora) and evaluate the societal impact of the activities to define a rehabilitation plan for the site.
● During: over the course of the preliminary studies of infrastructures with a high environmental stake,
the environment teams ensure that standards and good practices are taken into account. As early as the project phase, they institute environmental monitoring (air, water, food chain and soil) systems, ramped up as operations progress.
After: during and after the redevelopment of the sites on which mining has now ceased, they continue to carry out analyses to re-integrate the sites into their natural environment.
Contributing to the local and social economy
In Canada, Orano Mining's activities contribute to the Saskatchewan economy, the only uranium-producing province in the country. In 2017, Orano amounted to:
● Payments of over $18 million in royalties and taxes to the province of Saskatchewan.
● Purchases of over $74 million in goods and services from companies established in the region (more than 60% of total spending).
● 54% of purchases made from Aboriginal and northern communities in the province.
An involved corporate player
● Contributions to multiple teaching programmes in mining technologies (Saskatchewan Polytechnique and NORPAC, Northern Professional Institute)
● Donation to the Saskatchewan Children's Hospital Foundation, which welcomes families of sick children.
● Instituting dialogue with the Aboriginal communities through regular meetings with local leaders, public meetings and participation in events organized by these communities.
A successful experience in redevelopment
Since 2013, the former Cluff Lake mining area has been fully reintegrated into
the natural landscape. The checks and risk assessment carried out show the site to be stable and safe for the long-term . Today, the site is considered a model for the redevelopment of a modern uranium mine.
● An exemplary mine reconversion project in line with the strictest environmental standards to limit the site's impact on the population and the environment
● Site redevelopment and re-vegetation, (replanting trees with local plant species, etc.)
● Radiological and environmental monitoringacross the site, with changes tracked over time
● The transfer to the Province of Saskatchewan took place in May 2024