Nuclear power: a safe form of energy

Nuclear power is a mature and safe industry, and France has more than 50 years of experience in building and operating nuclear facilities. It's an industry where safety and protection are two absolute priorities.
Protection: protection of nuclear materials, facilities and transport against malicious acts. 
Nuclear safety: regulation of nuclear facilities and management of accident risk. 

The most stringent regulatory authorities in the world

  • The French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) is responsible for regulating civilian facilities in France.
  • The French Department of Nuclear Security (DSN), under the authority of the Senior Defense and Security Official (HFDS) of the Ministry of Energy, is responsible for regulating nuclear materials and their transport. 
  • The French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) provides technical support to the ASN and DSN of the HDFS. 

A network of European and international experts

The non-proliferation of nuclear materials is guaranteed in Europe by EURATOM, and internationally by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). 
The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) shares experience to improve the safety culture of all its members. 

Strict regulation of Orano's nuclear sites

Orano invests more than €300 million per year to keep its facilities safe. Under the supervision of the ASN, the group adopts a highly vigilant approach to guarantee optimal safety. A series of internal checks, assessments and inspections are carried out on Orano nuclear sites each year. 
  • Several hundred internal "first level" checks and assessments are conducted each year.
  • Around one hundred internal "second level" inspections are carried out each year across the group.
  • More than 200 ASN and HFDS inspections are conducted each year on all Orano nuclear sites and forms of transport. Around fifty of which are unannounced.

Secure nuclear sites

  • Several hundred trained and armed security guardsOn-site response capabilities (victim rescue operations, fire, malicious acts)
  • Sites protected by heavy-duty enclosures
  • Access control devices
  • Hundreds of dedicated surveillance cameras
  • FINA: a 500-member "National Response Force" team specially trained to assist sites if a major event occurs
  • Nearly 100 crisis training exercises in-house and/or with the support of local and national authorities. 
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