Expert voices - Nuclear power, a major player in industry in France

With 260,000 companies, more than 3 million direct jobs and 4.5 million indirect jobs, 275 billion euros of wealth produced, 75% of French exports, 80% of research and development... industry is a major player in the French economy. Nuclear power, which ranks in the top three, after aeronautics and automobiles, represents 2,500 companies in our regions, 220,000 jobs that can not be relocated and contribute 6 billion euros a year to the country's trade balance. At a time when we are talking about "relocation" of industries, "reindustrialization", French industry has never been more prominent with the recovery plan. But is it still an asset for France? An exciting exchange between Pascal Aubret, Director of the Recycling business of Orano and Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industry.
Orano Podcast Cover Ep6 FR
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