Expert voices: podcasts to inform and enlighten

Orano, a major player in the nuclear industry, seeks to share its expertise and is introducing "Expert voices". A series of podcasts to help people form their own opinions on nuclear power and the major energy issues of the day. The aim of these interviews, hosted by journalist Yves Decaens, is to inform and enlighten, bringing together both Orano experts and guests who provide a different perspective on the subjects covered.
Expert voices

Nuclear power and renewable energies: a winning combination for the climate! 

Nuclear power and renewables... People often oppose them, even though they both contribute to the low-carbon energy transition that everyone is calling for to fight global warming. How can we unpack what is myth and what is reality? Cyril Moulin, Director of Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions at Orano, and Patrice Geoffron, Professor of Economics at the University of Paris-Dauphine and Director of the Center for Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials (CGEMP) explore some of the scenarios.


Nuclear power, a major player in industry in France

With 260,000 companies, more than 3 million direct jobs and 4.5 million indirect jobs, 275 billion euros of wealth produced, 75% of French exports, 80% of research and development... industry is a major player in the French economy. Nuclear power, which ranks in the top three, after aeronautics and automobiles, represents
2,500 companies in our regions, 220,000 jobs that can not be relocated and contribute 6 billion euros a year to the country's trade balance. At a time when we are talking about "relocation" of industries, "reindustrialization", French industry has never been more prominent with the recovery plan. But is it still an asset for France? An exciting exchange between Pascal Aubret, Director of the Recycling business of Orano and Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industry.

Orano Podcast Cover Ep6 FR

Fighting cancer: the role of nuclear medicine

Orano Med’s President Julien Dodet and Mario Campone, General Director of the Western Institute of Cancer (ICO), France's second largest cancer center, take stock of cancer research, the existing therapeutic arsenal and innovative avenues. A great opportunity to take an interest in the work of Orano Med, the Medical Sector of Orano, which is developing a new generation of targeted cancer therapy.
Interview with Julien Dodet and Mario Campone © Orano

Safety in the workplace: a major priority in the nuclear industry  

Laurence Gazagnes, Senior Executive Vice President, "Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE)" for Orano and Mounir Boukil, Executive Vice President "Nuclear, Fossil-fired and Renewables Fleets" at Engie Solutions, discuss the risks inherent in plant operation and maintenance. With results to back up their points of view! And even if - in this area above all - vigilance remains paramount. Without forgetting the current COVID health crisis, as it unfolds in a context where safety culture is extremely strong. 
Interview with Mounir Boukil and Laurence Gazagnes © Orano

Recycling - a strategic asset for the nuclear industry 

Thanks to Orano’s unique technologies, 96% of used nuclear fuel is recycled. For more than 50 years, at its La Hague and Melox plants, the group has been processing recoverable materials and fabricating new MOX fuels. In France, 10% of nuclear-generated electricity comes from recycled materials. A virtuous circle which makes it possible to reduce the volume of the most radioactive types of waste by a factor of 5. Explanations with Jean-Michel Romary, Director of Nuclear Waste Management at Orano, alongside Stéphanie Kerbarh, Deputy for Seine Maritime and rapporteur for the Fench law on the circular economy.
Interview with Stéphanie Kerbarh and Jean-Michel Romary © Orano

Nuclear power, France's 3rd largest industrial sector and a creator of jobs 

Considering working in the nuclear industry? A career choice with a future! Hélène Derrien, Senior Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Orano and Evelyne Violleau, Head of Training for the French Nuclear Industry Association (Groupement des Industriels Français de l’Energie Nucléaire – GIFEN) and HR Director at Spie Nucléaire, share their view of a sector that represents more than 220,000 direct and indirect jobs in France. An industry which is recruiting, innovating and offering a wide variety of high value-added employment opportunities.
Interview with Hélène Derrien and Evelyne Violleau © Orano

Nuclear power, a low-carbon energy and a powerful ally in the fight against climate chaos

Philippe Knoche, Orano CEO and François-Marie Bréon, Climatologist and Researcher at the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, discuss one of the major challenges of the 21st century: how to effectively combat climate change. To help rise to this challenge, nuclear energy holds a number of advantages: it is controllable and emits very little CO2. It arguably has a major role to play in a low-carbon energy mix, along with renewable energies.
Interview with Philippe Knoche and François-Marie Bréon © Orano
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