Committed to promoting digital accessibility

At the heart of Orano's approach to equality and inclusion, our mobilization is ongoing to guarantee access to our information and online services, without discrimination. This commitment is not simply a matter of legal compliance, but reflects our strong belief that diversity is an asset and a key factor in our performance.

Digital accessibility: a right for all


Ensuring equitable access for everyone requires, first and foremost, a good understanding of the plurality of disabilities, whether permanent or temporary.
Digital accessibility means making online content and media such as websites, mobile applications, documents and videos usable for all.

Keyboard picture with blue accessibility icons on keysIn an increasingly connected world, the accessibility of digital content has become an ethical and legal imperative. With nearly 15% of the world's population living with a disability, companies have a responsibility to make their online content accessible to all. As a leader in the nuclear energy sector, the Group is resolutely committed to this path to full accessibility, recognizing its importance for an inclusive and equitable society.

A set of rules and best practices are detailed in the RGAA, the French accessibility improvement framework (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité). This is mainly applicable for websites and mobile applications. The RGAA aims to ensure that these platforms are equally accessible, whatever the user's disability.

Did you know ?

15% of the world's population have a disability. At the same time, nearly 80% of websites present accessibility issues.

Concrete action


With an official commitment since 2008 to the inclusion and continued employment of people with disabilities, we are pursuing our approach and have made our external and internal digital content accessible to all as of 2021.

It is important to us that each employee should benefit from the best possible working conditions, whether he or she has a disability or not, and notably with regard to digital media. Hélène DERRIEN - Senior Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Communications

All our websites are audited and certified, with an average compliance rate of over 82%.

Furthermore, since 2022, the Fédération des Aveugles de France (French Federation of the Blind) has been conducting a wide-ranging study on the state of knowledge of legal obligations in terms of digital accessibility among organizations subject to them. Two out of 12 websites in the energy/environment sector comply with all obligations, and those two include Orano.

Focus on Orano's commitment to skills development

Reflecting a recruitment policy in which skills alone count, in 2022 Orano has achieved an employment rate of over 5% for people with disabilities.

Couverture Magazine Orano Yellow Tomorrow the place to work be

The Group's annual magazin is available in an accessible digital version, including vocalization for screen readers and keyboard navigation.

Our visual and audio media are enhanced by a transcription system.

The IPEDIS consultancy is working alongside Orano to deploy digital accessibility for the group's content.
Their main mission is to support us in making our digital tools compliant.


To enhance users' browsing comfort, the group uses the FACIL'iti digital solution, which adapts the website display thanks to a customizable profile.

All the measures we are taking can be found in our multi-year plan, and reflect the application of the French law decree (no. 2019-768 of July 24, 2019), which makes equitable accessibility of digital content compulsory, particularly for companies with annual revenue in excess of 250 million euros.

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