Orano has signed the Ecowatt* commitment charter, implemented by RTE (French National power supply grid) and ADEME (environmental and energy control agency), thereby strengthening its actions to foster energy sobriety and efficiency.
Orano, whose activities range from uranium production to nuclear materials recycling, contributes to supplying low-carbon electricity. As part of its policy of engagement, for 2 years the Group has been planning for the need to reduce its energy consumption by -10% by the end of 2024. Already, between 2019 and 2021, consumption fell by nearly 3%, even with higher production levels.
Given the current energy context, Orano is stepping up its action on energy sobriety and efficiency. Energy saving actions already underway will continue, including the deployment of energy performance software and the improvement of motor and ventilation system efficiency in our facilities. New measures are being adopted such as stopping or significantly reducing heating in areas that are unoccupied or seldom used. Other measures include setting up task forces at our industrial sites to eliminate leaks and wastage, adapting production and maintenance schedules, and the signature of new demand-side management contracts, in addition to the agreement already in place at Orano La Hague.
The collective measures will be accompanied by an awareness-raising campaign for the 13,500 French employees, covering energy sobriety in our daily routines (eco-friendly behaviors), at home and at work.
Philippe Knoche, Chief Executive Officer of Orano, declared: “Electricity is vital and precious. Orano employees, who contribute daily to generating electricity in a climate-conscious way, are aware of this. We will all mobilize to actively contribute to the Ecowatt program. You can count on us.”
* Ecowatt is a citizen-based program that provides the French public, companies, and local authorities with an “electricity forecast.” It indicates in real time the level of electricity available to supply consumers and provides 4-day outlooks. An alert system indicates the days and hours during which the French public is asked to reduce or shift their electricity consumption to avoid blackouts or reduce their duration.