Orano TN, the nuclear logistics subsidiary of Orano, has been selected by the American electric utility Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) for the final offload of more than 900 used fuel assemblies contained in the pool of its Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Nebraska. To carry out this operation, Orano TN will supply 30 NUHOMS® dry storage systems and the associated "pool to pad" transfer services for several tens of millions of dollars.
NUHOMS® canisters, already in use at the Fort Calhoun facility, are approved for both onsite storage and offsite transportation, ensuring long-term used fuel management.
"We are proud to continue our nearly 15-year trusted relationship with our client OPPD and the Omaha community," said Greg Vesey, Senior Vice President of Orano TN. "As before, our commitment is to transfer the used fuel to the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation in a safe, accelerated and cost-effective manner."
Orano TN’s NUHOMS® systems have securely stored used nuclear fuel in the United States for more than two decades, with installations at 33 sites around the country.