Orano Appoints Bough to Lead Advanced Nuclear Fuel Market Opportunities

Casey Bough joins Orano USA to drive nuclear fuel supply development, including LEU+ and HALEU for advanced reactors.
Casey BoughBETHESDA, Md., September 23, 2022 – Effective September 19, Orano USA appointed Casey Bough as Vice President Business Development leveraging Orano’s established global conversion and enrichment capabilities in supporting the development of the U.S. advanced reactor fuel supply chain.

To this new role, Bough brings more than 20 years’ experience in the energy industry, including power generation, managing a deconversion facility, utility reactor operations, nuclear material logistics, and business development.

“Casey is uniquely qualified to lead and develop our engagement with federal and commercial opportunities for advanced nuclear fuel forms,” said Amir Vexler, CEO of Orano USA. “While we are fully committed to supporting the industry’s LEU+ and HALEU demands, I am pleased to have someone of Casey’s caliber navigating the complex efforts and building partnerships to stand up a robust supply chain.”

As one of the only commercial entities integrated throughout the entire nuclear fuel cycle, Orano has the technical expertise to efficiently plan for and support all aspects of a LEU+ and HALEU supply chain, including process design, production, storage, transportation, and logistics.

With Orano’s significant market presence and decades of fulfilled contracts for uranium, conversion, and enrichment services in the United States, the company is fully committed to serving the needs of its customers and supporting the development of the advanced nuclear energy industry.

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