Products & Services

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The auger waste removal tool and process equipment will be designed to support tank-side retrieval operations and be designed to facilitate relocation of the retrieval equipment to support the treatment of additional tanks containing dry waste.

Cold spray has the ability to perform metal-to-metal solutions for increasing the thickness of a double-shell tank wall and potentially repair penetrations.

Mercury recovery at the Miramas site in France: More than 97% of the mercury processed was recovered or disposed of appropriately—the majority of materials cleaned by the TDU and the washing system were reused as backfill material on the site.

The mobile evaporator system was designed to take spent water-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) based chemical cleaning solvent and reduce the volume of waste required to go through downstream processes, with a nominal capacity of 10,000 gallons a day.

The mobile hot cell technology was developed by Orano to provide nuclear waste retrieval and processing with a system providing most of the functions needed to safely dispose of mixed solid remote‑handled waste.


Anemone is a tool designed to grip any solid element, whether for sampling purposes or more generally for recovery and removal.

Customized and comprehensive deactivation, decontamination, decommissioning and dismantling (D4) solutions for nuclear facilities that have reached the end of their life cycle.

DEROSA is a semi-automatic robotic cutting solution developed for volume reduction operations in a shielded nuclear environment.

LEOPARD combines all aspects of data management into a single, powerful tool that is used across all phases of a D&D project to properly plan, monitor, and optimize the key performance metrics.

The Mobile Apparatus for Nuclear Expertise Localization Assistance, or MANUELA, is a handheld tool used for simultaneous 3D measurements for metrology and radiological mapping of nuclear facilities.

Orano's turnkey services for major radioactive component disposal includes decontamination, downsizing, packaging, transportation, and disposal of replaced components.


Data used from the TN-32B modified HBU demonstration cask's 63 thermocouples will be used to confirm the thermal models used to predict the behavior of HBU fuel in dry storage casks through the loading, drying and long term storage phases.

Studies to support deployment of advanced reactor technology and starting the process of licensing and characterization studies to support the deployment of advanced reactor technology at the Portsmouth Site in the 2028 to 2033 timeframe.

With an experienced nuclear workforce in locations around the world, Orano continuously invests in the latest technology, hardware, software, and training to put us at the forefront of nuclear safety software engineering and development.

Spectrano is a joint venture led by small business Spectra Tech, Inc. and partner Orano Federal Services LLC to pursue small business setaside contracts and provide U.S. federal agencies with the experience of two companies who have extensive experience at sites across the country.

Drawing on international expertise and nuclear industry innovation, Orano's engineering services work with our customers to provide superior solutions for managing used fuel and radioactive waste.


A complete portfolio of packages for front end and back end storage and transport, plus transportation services to securely complete the delivery.

Orano has LEU+ and HALEU packages ready to meet the industry’s evolving needs for transporting new fuels.

Using its broad portfolio of transportation casks, Orano conducts 5,000 shipments every year of radioactive and nuclear materials.

Shielded and secure, the MP197HB Cask is used to transport decommissioning waste and used nuclear fuel.

The NUHOMS 89BTH DCS provides used fuel dry storage for up to 89 BWR fuel assemblies with an increased heat load capacity, allowing the loading of shorter-cooled fuel.

The NUHOMS EOS 37PTH DSC provides customers with a high-capacity, high-burnup, and high-heat load system for PWR used fuel dry storage.

The TN RAM is a robust cask with enhanced shielding, carrying high activity radiological materials safely and securely for more than 30 years.

The TN Eagle, Orano’s newest storage and transport cask, has 10-times fewer components than the previous generation, significantly faster assembly, and long-term resistance to high temperatures.

Orano’s RadWaste Container (RWC) can be used for storage, transport, and disposal of large volumes of highly irradiated reactor components.

For more than 60 years, Orano has provided the nuclear industry with turnkey transportation services and quality packages.

Orano's cask fleet continues delivering integrated nuclear logistics solutions with unique expertise in the design, approval, and manufacture of packaging.

Packaging capabilities: significant experience, lessons learned and a depth of resources in packaging design, analysis, testing, licensing and fabrication.

Packaging design and transport solutions: broad base of technical skills and the experience to execute nuclear, mechanical, structural, and thermal design analysis along with fabrication and testing of transportation and handling equipment.

For more than 60 years, Orano TN has provided the nuclear industry with transportation logistics services and packaging to support the entire nuclear fuel cycle.


Our horizonal dry storage systems have the highest shielding performance of any dry storage system in the U.S.

The EOS Horizonal Storage Module provides increased heat rejection capabilities, additional shielding, and enhanced ruggedness

The HSM-H and HSM-HS provide superior seismic capabilities and can be constructed on- or off-site.

The HSM-MATRIX is a dual-level horizontal storage system, ideal for sites with space limitations.


Orano's calciner technology produces waste forms that are demonstrated to be optimized with waste loading, stable over long periods of time, designed for ease of handling, and devoid of material requiring IAEA safeguards.

The Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) process uses an induction melter with water-cooled walls that create a protective glass layer. It was developed to be used for new or unique corrosive effluent compositions impossible to treat with other technologies and to produce new waste containment matrices with higher waste loading.

The DEM&MELT in-can vitrification process is an innovative solution for treating intermediate and high level waste arising from remediation and D&D. DEM&MELT operates within a compact unit, ensuring significant volume reduction, safe radionuclide containment, and waste stabilization.

At NUHOMS University, site personnel get training on full-scale, working equipment to ensure they’re qualified and comfortable in fuel pool and used fuel transfer operations.

Orano's expert Offload Services result in faster deployment, shorter loading campaigns, and lower dose exposure for pool-to-pad used fuel transfer projects.

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