VIDEO: Orano segmenting, packaging, and transporting for disposal Vermont Yankee reactor components:
Looking down into the emptied Vermont Yankee reactor vessel with half of it segmented and removed.
Orano's MP197HB transport cask prepared for shipping segmented waste to disposal in West Texas.
Segmented Vermont Yankee reactor vessel pieces loaded in custom transport and disposal boxes.
Final disposal cask leaves the site with the last pieces of the segmented Vermont Yankee reactor.
About Orano
Orano USA is a key nuclear supplier of materials and services to the U.S. nuclear industry and the federal government, ranging from supplying nuclear fuel materials and in-house engineering to field service
capabilities and applying decades of reactor decommissioning experience in dismantling, packaging, and transporting waste. Orano USA also provides the full suite of technologies and services for managing used nuclear fuel. Orano USA, through its
subsidiary Orano Med in Texas, is developing cancer treatments using targeted radio-immunotherapy.