Next Generation of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing

Contrary to the existing reactors, where waste management had to adapt to the fuels produced, successful new generation reactors will be, by design, the ones that benefit from successful used fuel planning and management.

Khalil Ghaleb, PhD
Orano Federal Services

June 3, 2024
RadWaste Summit


Planning for a closed fuel cycle with advanced reactor development offers many advantages from a sustainability point of view:

  • Better fuel utilization

  • Recycling of valuable resources

  • Waste minimization (HLW volume and toxicity reduction)

  • Suitable, improved final disposal solutions

  • Many improvements are available, and no challenges cannot be overcome

  • Multiple reprocessing solutions exist for the new advanced reactors, adapted to their fuel types and especially the ones using oxide and metallic fuels

Through its experience with recycling, wet & dry storage, transportation, and disposal-related activities for light water reactors and advanced reactors, Orano is well positioned to provide the best solutions for the current and next generation of nuclear fuel cycle and waste management.

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