Community Engagement


Engaging with northern Saskatchewan neighbours

Orano identifies and meets the expectations of stakeholders, and includes them in our activities with a focus on open communication. These activities provide economic benefits, employment, and business opportunities in Saskatchewan’s north, where most of our work occurs.

We also invest in northern communities through collaboration agreements, scholarships, donations, sponsorships, and the Six Rivers Fund.

  • Orano’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Partnering with our neighbours

Orano is a partner in the Pinehouse (2012), English River First Nations (2013), and Athabasca Basin Ya’Thi Néné (2016) Collaboration agreements, which build upon partnership in the development of northern Saskatchewan uranium resources. They are founded on the five pillars of workforce and business development, community engagement and investment, and environmental stewardship.

Ya’ thi Néné Committees

This agreement, between seven northern communities (Black Lake Denesųłiné First Nation, Fond du Lac Denesųłiné First Nation, Hatchet Lake Denesųłiné First Nation, Stony Rapids, Wollaston Lake, Uranium City, and Camsell Portage), Orano, and Cameco Corporation, builds a positive relationship between all parties during activities in northern Saskatchewan.

The agreement is implemented through three committees that include community and company representatives, and together, they ensure that the five pillars mentioned above are considered.

Grievance Mechanism Summary for Stakeholders

Orano Canada provides numerous opportunities for engagement including access to effective mechanisms to resolve grievances. Through the implementation of this process to manage complaints or grievances we wish to reinforce relationships with the stakeholders and communities near our operations and activities that are based on trust and transparency.

Please follow the link below for more information on our grievance mechanism or email your concern to:


Training and employing talented people

Mill Operations Training Program

Orano regularly offers training and skill development programs to prepare residents of northern Saskatchewan for mining related careers. These dedicated programs are often funded by organizations, alongside provincial and federal governments grants, and offer training in a range of disciplines and trades, helping new and experienced workers develop their skills.

A notable success is the Mill Operator Training program at McClean Lake, in place since 2012. In that time, over 100 northern residents have gone through the training, with the majority subsequently hired by Orano. Through this training, they learn about the uranium milling process, the various site facilities, safety skills (such as lock-out / tag-out and fall protection), WHMIS certification, and much more. These skills are useful at McClean Lake, and they can also be applied to other industries.


Hiring northern residents and contractors

Northern Preference Hiring and Training


We focus on recruiting residents of Saskatchewan’s north. At McClean Lake, over half of our employees are northerners, and 48% are self-declared Indigenous.

Our educational and career opportunities strengthen both our organization and northern communities. To that end, Orano has various training programs for current and potential employees from northern Saskatchewan, demonstrating our commitment.

To residents of Saskatchewan’s Northern Administration District (NAD), we offer programs such as the following at McClean Lake:

  1. Mill Operator Training Program
  2. Environmental Technician Training
  3. Apprenticeships
  4. Supervisor & Leadership Training

We are proud to say that Saskatchewan’s uranium mining industry is Canada’s largest industrial employer of Indigenous people.

Saskatchewan & Northern Preference Contracting


Orano contractors – providing services like drilling, security, logistics, construction, and so on – are aware of our northern commitments, and we work closely with them to ensure they, in turn, hire northern residents.

We receive monthly data regarding their crews, allowing insight into the demographics of northerners within them.

In 2020, Orano spent over $36 million doing business with northern Saskatchewan companies, out of the almost $70 million in the province overall.

Potential contractors and vendors can review the Orano Sustainable Development Declaration, Vendor Declaration Form and Code of Ethics and Business Conduct on the group website by following the links. 


Supporting organizations, initiatives and education in the community

Orano’s community investment focuses on initiatives and organizations in regions near our operations and activities, or where our employees reside. Health, Education, Access to Water and Economic Development are the main pillars of our contributions.

Donations & Sponsorships

We invest in communities near our operations and activities, through meaningful contributions that serve many in and around Saskatoon and Saskatchewan’s north.

To be eligible, the organization, program or event must fall within our four pillars; be a non-profit or recognized community organization; serve community members near an Orano site or office; and be beneficial or impactful to the community.

Once a donation or sponsorship is received, it cannot: be used to retire deficits or fund operating expenses; be given as a cash prize; be used to fund attendance at events; benefit individual or team applicants; benefit political, fraternal or religious organizations.

To ensure fairness and deliver the most impact, Orano considers multi-year contributions on a case-by-case basis, and this is generally followed by an equal period of ineligibility. In addition, we receive many support requests, and while we realize that they are all worthy, we are unable to pursue them all, though we are grateful for your interest in partnering with us.

To apply for a sponsorship or donation, submit your request for review by our Social Investment Committee through our docusign form. This committee meets quarterly, so it may be several weeks before you receive an emailed response. Please include the following information in your request:

  • Name of the organization
  • Address of the organization
  • Contact name
  • Contact phone number
  • Pillar (Health, Education, Access to Water, Economic Development)
  • Description of campaign, program or event including stakeholders (recipients/clients/members, benefits/impact, etc.)
  • Amount requested or sponsorship levels
  • Timeline (date of program launch or event)
  • Other funders/donors/sponsors if available
  • Recognition for support
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Six Rivers Fund


Orano and Cameco Corporation have established a legacy trust fund with northern community leaders. The interest in the fund finances community youth, education, sports, recreation, health, and wellness projects across the Northern Administration District, and will do so for decades.

Orano Northern Scholarships


These are awarded to post-secondary students from the Saskatchewan Northern Administrative District, based on academic merit and fields of study that will be of future benefit to the uranium mining industry and/or the northern region.

Applications are due by July 31 each year.

Students from the seven Athabasca Basin communities (Black Lake, Camsell Portage, Fond-du-Lac, Hatchet Lake, Stony Rapids, Uranium City, and Wollaston Lake), as well as Pinehouse and English River First Nations, are ineligible for scholarships – Orano has Collaboration Agreements in place with these communities, which include local students scholarships. Students from these communities are encouraged to contact their local representatives to inquire about scholarships.

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