
« Our know-how and determination are our strength »

year of experience
+ 5,000
number of employees in France, Germany, United States
M€ 600
order backlog

A leader in France in its sector, the Dismantling and Services BU offers its customers a tailor-made solution that covers the entire value chain in three areas of activity:

  • Dismantling of nuclear and equipment, from the design of projects to seeing them through to completion in the field.
  • Management of radioactive waste, of all types and levels of radiological intensity, whether originating from production activities, the operation of facilities, their dismantling or major maintenance operations.
  • Services to nuclear operators, including expertise in site support logistics, specialized maintenance, radiological safety, and nuclear training.


    Dismantling and Services has 50 years of experience acquired on a wide variety of complex worksites. The safety culture of its teams and their capacity to innovate means that they can find the best possible response to meet the requirements and challenges of its customers.


    In a market which is growing worldwide, the know-how, experience and professionalism of the BU’s 5,000 employees make it a key player in the sector. Internationally, Dismantling and Services supports development of the group's dismantling activities by providing its technical expertise gained on the projects it has worked on in France. Orano DS' teams are present in USA and Germany and have created partnerships in several other countries (United-Kingdom, Italy, Japan, etc).


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